Our ongoing “Electrification Opportunities Series” is providing helpful information about transitioning to clean energy and supports the $20,000 grant challenge from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) underway in Hurley.
At the February 27th meeting of the Town Board, Energy Coach and Chairman of of Marbletown's Environmental Conservation Commission, Tom Konrad spoke about how to make a plan to transition to electric appliances and specifically noted how split air/heat pump installations save money on heating and cooling costs. First steps though, include properly sealing and weatherizing your home. Financial incentives are also available to help families make the switch. You can view the slides from his presentation here. If you have any questions or you're not sure how to proceed, we also learned that you can sign up for free energy coaching at the New Yorkers for Clean Energy website. Check out additional resources available for all New Yorkers here.
When the Hurley CSTF reports five installations in the Town, we are eligible for $5,000 in grant money; another 15 installations qualifies us to unlock an additional $10,000.
Upcoming presentations
March 26 Town Board meeting: Climate Steward and CSTF member Lynne Bailey will talk about signing up for Community Solar. There’s no cost to enroll in the program, and it helps save money on electric bills while supporting solar energy. April Town Board meeting: we'll take a closer look at electric vehicle (EV) ownership.
If you plan to install a heat pump or sign up for Community Solar, please let Climate Smart Hurley know by sending an email to climatesmart@townofhurley.org. Four EVs have been registered in Hurley since Nov. 29, 2023. One more purchase makes us eligible for a $5,000 grant.