What You Can Do
High levels of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions cause global temperatures to rise and contribute to extreme weather events.
Being energy efficient, using renewable energy, eating less processed foods and more vegetarian meals, reducing the use of plastics, using clean fuel transportation systems, and managing our individual and collective property to support wildlife and diverse ecosystems all help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Changing up how we do small tasks add up to savings and help reduce GHG. Electrifying heating and driving adds up to even larger savings, and signficantly more reductions of GHG. How we spend our collective dollars makes an impact in future product offerings.
What we eat and how it's raised or grown also contributes a lot to GHG and healty ecosystems. National Geographic has pubished work on longevity studying lifestyles and diet in the Blue Zones which leans decidedly vegetarian. You can read about a diet that's great for you AND the planet on Nat Geo's website. "How We Can Feed 10 Billion People Without Destroying the Environment" was a feature in their January 2020 issue.