A NYSERDA grant challenge is underway in Hurley. To recap the basics: When town residents choose heat pumps, Community Solar or an EV, the Town gets credit towards $20,000+ in grant money. This Series of presentations will provide residents with helpful information about the clean energy choices eligible for grant money.
Tom Konrad is our first presenter on February 27, 2024. Energy Coach and Chair of Marbletown's ECC, Tom has answers to a lot of questions about these technologies and how to integrate them into our lives. He will focus on the benefits of Heat Pump installations.
The series will continue at the March 26th Town Board meeting when we'll talk about signing up for Community Solar. This costs nothing to sign up, saves money on electric bills and supports solar energy.
The thrid and final presentation is scheduled forApril 23rd's meeting. We'll take a closer look at EV ownership, sum up the clean energy program, and the financial incentives.
Simply email climatesmart@ townofhurley.org if you install heat pumps or sign up for Community Solar. See grant details at tinyurl.com/grants-opp. ** UPDATE ** 4-EV's were registered in Hurley since Nov 29th. Just 1 more purchase makes us eligible for a $5,000 grant!