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Community Solar - Grant Opportunity for Hurleyites

Solarize Hurley with
Community Solar

No Installation - No Fees
Green the Electric Grid
Save up to 10% on Electric Bills
Sign-on Bonuses Available

This Grant Challenge in OnGoing 
When there are 50 new subscribers from Hurley, the town will be eligible for $10,000 in Grant Money.   
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Hurley's Climate Smart Committee is promoting this campaign to help reduce green gas emissions by using renewal energy. The town will also be eligible for an additional $5,000 grant to assist us to prepare for the future. 


Solar fields located in Ulster County and the surrounding region are generating electricity that must be purchased by a utility account holder.   Our campaign providers are offering these credits at a 10% discount—so you pay for only  90% of the credits you receive on your utility bill. There is no initial cost or monthly fee. For example: if you receive $100 in credits, you will pay your provider $90 and save the remaining $10. If you pay an electric bill, you can receive community solar credits.  You do not have to be a homeowner. 

  How does community solar work?
  Subscribe NOW - Help Hurley get $5000 grant Sign Up Here
  • Save money every month on your electric bill. Everyone who pays their own electric bill and doesn't have solar panels, including renters, co-op/ condo owners and business owners, can participate in a community solar project.

  • Help to green the electric grid and support your local economy.

  • No upfront costs, monthly fees or equipment to install.

  • Minimal commitment. You can cancel your community solar subscription with 90 days notice (this is the time it takes the utility to stop the flow of credits); there is no cancellation fee.

  •  Helps the Town of Hurley qualify for NYSERDA  grant money.

    • If 50 new users sign up from July 2023 going forward, the Town becomes elible for a $5,000 Grant​

  • You may get  a sign-up bonus, too 

Community Solar Grants are a NYS Clean Eneregy Choice Challenge 

NYSERDA - NYS Energy Resource Developent Agency - is administering the program.

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Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The program offers free technical assistance, grants, and rebates for electric vehicles.

2020-24 Town of Hurley, NY

Website Manager: Lynne Bailey

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